Welcome to the website for Biocultural Collections Group, formerly called the Collections of Ethno- and Ethnobotany Botany (CEEB). We are a collection of collection managers, curators, scientists, researchers, students, and enthusiasts who are passionate about collections. We have written this site to share our collective knowledge, build a network of like minded individuals, and elevate the awareness of collections. Our diverse group is located globally as seen via our ‘Index Ethnobotanices’ located in the Main Menu. We aim to meet in-person once a year at select academic conferences when we tour various collections in museums, herbaria and institutions, host a meet-and-greet and or workshop, and share updates, challenges and questions which surface in our work. If you are interested see below for upcoming gatherings, view our range of resources available here, or contact us with any questions.

Curating Biocultural Collections: A Handbook
Edited by Jan Salick, Katie Konchar, and Mark Nesbitt
Published by Royal Botanic Garden, Kew Press, England, in association with Missouri Botanical Garden Press, St. Louis, USA.
A full text PDF is available on Kew's Research Repository here: https://kew.iro.bl.uk/concern/books/19d40fd7-edd4-4ea5-b178-9b42baf52859