Bibliography of Ethnobiology till 2002


Intellectual Imperatives in Ethnobiology

NSF Workshop at Missouri Botanical Garden, 2002

Bibliography of Ethnobiology

  This list was compiled during the workshop with submissions from attendees. All enteries have been entered into Tropcios, at

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Alcorn, J 1985. Huastec Mayan Ethnobotany. University of Texas Press, Austin.
Alcorn, J. 1981. Huastec noncrop resource management: implications for prehistoric rainforest management. Human Ecology 9(4): 395-417.
Alcorn, J 1989. Process as resource: the traditional agricultural ideology of Bora and Huastec resource management and its implications for research. Resource Management in Amazonia: Indigenous and Folk Strategies 63-77. New York Botanical Garden, New York.
Alcorn, J B 1995. The scope and aims of Ethnobotany in a developing world. Ethnobotany: Evolution of a Discipline 23-29. Dioscorides Press, Portland.
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Alvard, M 1995. Intraspecific prey choice by Amazonian hunters. Current Anthropology 36: 789-818.
Anderson, E N 1996. Ecologies of the Heart, Emotion, Belief and Environment. Oxford University Press, New York.
Anderson, E N 2000. Maya Knowledge and "Science Wars". Journal of Ethnobiology 20(2): 129-158.
Anderson, E N 1993. Southeast Asian gardens: nutrition, cash and ethnicity. Biotica 1: 1-11.
Anderson, E N 1991. Chinese Folk Classification of Food Plants. Crossroads 1(2): 51-67.
Anderson, E N 2001. Tropical Forest Game Conservation. Conservation Biology 15(3): 791-792.
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Atran, S 1990. Cognitive Foundations of Natural History: Toward an Anthropology of Science. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
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Baker, J & Mutitjulu Community 1992. Comparing two views of the landscape: aboriginal ecological knowledge and modern scientific knowledge. Rangeland Journal 14(2): 174-189.
Balee, W 1994. Footprints of the Forest: Kaapor Ethnobotany - the historical ecology of plant uitilization by an Amazonian people. Colombia University Press, New York.
Balee, W 1993. Indigenous transformation of Amazonian Forests. L'Homme 33(2-4): 231-254.
Balee, W 1988. Indigenous Adaptation to Amazonian Palm Forests. Principes 32(2): 47-54.
Balee, W 1992. People of the Fallow: A Historical Ecology of Foraging in Lowland South America Conservation of Neotropical Forests - Working from Traditional Resource Use 35-57. Colombia University Press, New York.
Balee, W 1989. The Culture of Amazonian Forests. Advances in Economic Botany 7: 1-21.
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Balick, M J & R Mendelsohn 1992. Assessing the economic value of traditional medicines from Tropical Rainforests. Conservation Biology 6(1): 128-130.
Balick, M J 1996. Tranforming Ethnobotany for the Next Millenium. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 83: 58-66.
Balick, M J, J Wood Sheldon & S A Laird 1997. Medicinal Plants: Can Utilization and Conservation Coexist?. The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York.
Balick, M J & P A Cox 1996. Plants, People and Culture: The Science of Ethnobotany. Scientific American Library, New York.
Balick, M J & M Zethelius 1982. Modern Medicine and Shamanistic Ritual: A Case of Positive Synergistic Response in the Treatment of a Snakebite. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 5: 181-185.
Balick, M J, R A Lee, D L Ling, B J Brosi & W Raynor 2001. Cultural Dynamism and Change - An example from the federated states of Micronesia. Economic Botany 55(1): 9-13.
Balick, M J, A B Anderson & P H May 1991. The Subsidy from Nature: Palm Forests, Peasantry and Development on an Amazon Frontier. Columbia University Press, New York.
Barrau, J 1982. Les fondements ecologiques des pratiques sociales: interet de leur connaissance dans la gestion des ressources. CNRS INRA 385-389.
Bastien, J W 1985. Qollahuaya-Andean body concepts: a topographical-hydraulic model of physiology. American Anthropologist 87: 595-611.
Bates, D M 1985. Plant Utilization: patterns and prospects. Economic Botany 39: 241-265.
Beach, T & NP Dunning, 1995. Ancient Maya Terracing and Modern Conservation in the Pelen Rain Forest of Guatemala. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 50: 138-145.
Beckerman, S 1993. Major Patterns in Indigenous Amazonian Subsistence Tropical Forests, People and Food: Biocultural Interactions and Applications to Development 13: 411-424.
Beckerman, S 1983. Does the swidden ape the jungle? Human Ecology 11: 1-12.
Beckerman, S 1994. Hunting and Fishing in Amazonia - Hold the answers, what are the questions? Amazonian Indians from Prehistory to Present 177-200. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Beckerman, S 1991. Bari Spear Fishing: Advantages to Group Formation? Human Ecology 19(4): 529-554.
Beckerman, S 1983. Bari Swidden Gardens: Crop Segregation Patterns. Human Ecology 11(1): 85-101.
Beckerman, S 1987. Swidden in Amazonia and the Amazon Rim. Comparative Farming Systems 55-94.
Belcher, B & M Ruiz-Perez 2001. An international comparison of cases of forest product development: overview, description and data requirements CIFOR Working paper no 23.
Bellon, M R 1996. The dynamics of infraspecific diversity: a conceptual framework at the farmer level. Economic Botany 50(1): 26-39.
Bellon, M R & S B Brush 1994. Keepers of maize in Chiapas, Mexico. Economic Botany 48: 196-209.
Bennett, B C 1992. Plants and people of the Amazonian rainforests: The role of ethnobotany in sustainable development. BioScience 42: 599-607.
Bennett, B C 1992. Hallucinogenic plants of the Shuar and related indigenous groups in Amazonia Ecuador and Peru. Brittonia 44: 483-493.
Bennett, B C & R Alarcon 1994. Osteophloeum platyspermum (ADC) Warburg and Virola duckei AC Smith (Myristicaceae): Newly reported as hallucinogens from Amazonian Ecuador. Economic Botany 48: 152-158.
Bennett, B C & G T Prance 2000. Introduced plants in the indigenous pharmacopoeia of northern South America. Economic Botany 54: 90-102.
Bennett, B C, A Grimes, R Alarcon, P Jahnige, S Loomis, M Burnham, K Onthank, D Neill, W Palacios, C Ceron, M Balick & R Mendelsohn 1994. The economic value of non-timber forest products in Ecuador. Ambio 23: 405-410.
Berger, J, 1979. Pig Earth: Historical Afterward.
Berkes, F 1999. Sacred Ecology: traditional ecological knowledge and resource management. Taylor and Francis, Philadelphia.
Berlin, B 1992. Ethnobiological classification: Principles of categorization of plants and animals in traditional societies. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.
Berlin, B, D E Breedlove & P H Raven 1974. Principles of Tzeltal Plant Classification: An Introduction to the Botanical Ethnography of a Mayan-Speaking People of Highland Chiapas. Academic Press, New York.
Berlin, B, D E Breedlove, R M Laughlin & P H Raven 1973. Cultural significance and lexical retention in Tzeltal-Tzotzil ethnobotany Meaning in Mayan Language 143-164. The Hague, Mouton.
Blackburn, T C & Kat Anderson, editors 1993. Before the Wilderness: Environmental Mgt by Native Californians. Ballena Press, Menlo Park, California.
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Boster, J S 1985. Requiem for the Omniscient Informant:There's Life in the Old Girl Yet Directions in Cognitive Anthropology 177-197. University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago.
Boster, J S 1985. Selection for perceptual distinctiveness: Evidence from Aguaruna cultivars of Manihot esculenta. Economic Botany 239(3): 310-325.
Boster, J S, B Berlin & J P O'Neill 1986. The correspondence of Jivaroan to scientific ornithology. American Anthropologist 89: 569-583.
Breedlove, D & Robert Laughlin 1993. The Flowering of Man. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC.
Brown, C H 1984. Language and Living Things. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick.
Caballero, J & L Cortes 2001. Percepcion, uso y manejo tradicional de los recursos vegetales en Mexico Plantas, Cultura y Sociedad 79-100. UAM-SEMARNAP, Mexico.
Caballero, J, A Casas, A Valiente-Banuet, J A Soriano & P Davila 1999. Morphological variation and the process of domestication of Stenocereus stellatus (Cactaceae) in central Mexico American. Journal of Botany 86(4): 522-533.
Caballero, J & A Casas 1996. Traditional management and morphological variation in Leucaena esculenta in the Mixtec region of Guerrero, Mexico. Economic Botany 50(2): 167-181.
Caballero, J 1992. The Maya Homegardens of the Yucatan Penninsula: Past, present and future. Etnoecologica 1(1): 35-54.
Caballero, J, 1994. La Dimension Culturelle de la Diversite Vegetale au Mexique. Journ d'Agric Trad et de Bota Appl 36(2): 145-158.
Campbell, B M & M K Luckert 2002. Uncovering the Hidden Harvest: Valuation Methods for Woodland and Forest Resources. Earthscan, London.
Carlson, T J, R Cooper, S R King, & E J Rozhon 1997. Modern Science and Traditional Healing. Royal Society of Chemistry 84-95.
Carlson, TJ, BM Foula, JA Chinnock, SR King (et al), 2001. Case Study on Medicinal Plant Research in Guinea: Prior Informed Consent, Focused Benefit Sharing, and Compliance with the Convention on Biological Diversity. Economic Botany 55(4): 478-491.
Carroll, CR, JH Vandermeer & PM Rosset, 1990. Agroecology.
Clement, C R 1999. 1492 and the loss of Amazonian crop genetic resources - Crop biogeography and contact. Economic Botany 53(2): 188-202; 203-216.
Conklin, H 1955. The Relation of Hanunoo Culture to the Plant World. University Microfilms Ltd, High Wycombe.
Conklin, H C 1961. The study of shifting cultivation. Current Anthropology 2: 27-67.
Cotton, C M 1996. Ethnobotany: Principles and Applications. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester.
Cox, P A 2000. Will Tribal Knowledge Survive the Millenium? Science 287: 44-45.
Cox, P A 2000. A Cladistic Approach to Comparative Ethnobotany: Dye Plants of the Southwestern United States. Journal of Ethnobiology 20(2): 303-325.
Cox, P A 2001. Ethnobotanical Drug Discovery: Uncertainty or Promise? Pharmaceutical News 8(3): 55-59.
Cox, P A 2001. Pharmacology, Biodiversity and Encyclopedia of Biodiversity 4:523-536. Academic Press, San Diego.
Cox, P A 1998. The promise of Gerard's Herbal: new drugs from old books. Endevour 22(2): 51-53.
Cox, P A 1980. Two Samoan technologies for breadfruit and banana preservation. Economic Botany 34: 181-185.
Cunningham, A B 1993. Ethics, ethnobiological research and biodiversity. WWF, Gland, Switzerland.
Cunningham, A B 2001. Applied Ethnobotany - People, Wild Plant Use and Conservation Earthscan, London.
Cunningham, A B 1990. The regional distribution, marketing and economic value of the palm wine trade in the Ingwavuma district, Natal, South Africa. South African Journal of Botany 56(2): 191-198.
Cunningham, A B 1991. Development of a Conservation Policy on Commercially Exploited Medicinal Plants: A case study from Southern Africa Conservation of Medicinal Plants 337-358. Cambridge University Press.
Cunningham, A B 1997. Human Use of Plants Vegetation of Southern Africa 474-506. Cambridge University Press.
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Davis, W 1996. One River: Exploration and Discoveries in the Amazon Rain Forest Simon & Schuster, New York.
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Denevan, W, J M Treacy, J B Alcorn, C Padoch, J Denslow & S F Paitan 1984. Indigenous agroforestry in the Peruvian Amazon: Bora Indian management of swidden fallows. Interciencia 9(6): 346-357.
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Dufour, D 1983. The bitter is sweet: A case study of bitter cassava (Manihot esculenta) use in Amazonia Tropical Forests, People and Food: Biocultural Interactions and Applications to Development 575-588. UNESCO, Paris.
Elisabetsky, E 1985. Caboclo Concepts of Disease, Diagnosis and Therapy: Implications for Ethnopharmacology and Health Systems in Amazonia. Studies in Third World Societies 32: 243-278.
Elisabetsky, E 1986. New Directions in Ethnopharmacology. Journal of Ethnobiology 6(1): 121-128.
Elisabetsky, E 1991. Sociopolitical, economical and ethical issues in medicinal plant research. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 32: 235-239.
Elisabetsky, E & P Shanley 1994. Ethnopharmacology in the Brazilian Amazon. Pharmac Ther 64: 201-214.
Elisabetsky, E 1998. Antipsychotic-Like Profile of Alstonine Pharmacology. Biochemistry and Behavior 60(1): 133-141.
Ellen, R, P Parkes & A Bicker 2000. Indigenous Environmental Knowledge and its Transformation.
Emperaire, L 2000. A floresta em jogo: O extrativismo na Amazonia central 1-233. Imprensa Oficial, Sao Paulo.
Emperaire, L, F Pinton & G Second 1998 Gestion dynamique de la diversite varietale du manioc en Amazonie du Nord-Ouest. Nature Sciences Societes 6(2): 27-42.
Emperaire, L & F Pinton 2001. Le manioc en Amazonie bresilienne: diversite varietale et marche. Genet Sel Evol 33: 491-512.
Emperaire, L, D McKey, M Elias, F Pinton, R Thierry, S Desmouliere & L Rival 2001. Gestions locales et dynamiques regionales de la diversitevarietale du manioc en Amazonie. Genet Sel Evol 33: 465-490.
Emperaire, L 1997. Lexploitation des Heveas dans la Reserve Extractiviste du Haut Jurua. Journal dAgriculture Traditionnelle et de Botanique Appliquee 39(1): 109-132.
Estabrook, GF, 1998. Maintenance of Fertility of Shale Soils in a Traditional Agricultural System in Central Interior Portugal. Journal of Ethnobiology 18(1): 15-33.
Estabrook, GF, 1994. Choice of Fuel for Bagaco Stills Helps Maintain Biological Diversity in a Traditional Portuguese Agricultural System. Journal of Ethnobiology 14(1): 43-57.
Etkin, N L & P Ross 1983. Malaria, Medicine and Meals: Plant Use among the Hausa and its Impact on Disease. The Anthropology of Medicine first ed: 231-260.
Etkin, N L 1992. "Side Effects": Cultural Constructions and Reinterpretations of Western Pharmaceuticals. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 6(2): 99-113.
Etkin, N L 1994. Eating on the Wild Side: The Pharmacologic, Ecologic and Social Implications of Using Noncultigens. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Ford, R, editor 1978. The Nature and Status of Ethnobotany. Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Ford, R I 1987. Ethnobotany: Historical diversity and synthesis. The Nature and Status of Ethnobotany 67: 33-49.
Friedberg, C 1986. Classifications populaires des plantes et modes de connaissance Lordre et la diversite du vivant Quel statut scientifique pour les classifications biologiques 22-49 Fondation Diderot, Fayard.
Friedrich, P 1970. Proto-Indo-European Trees: The Arboreal System of a Prehistoric People University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Fritz, G J 1999. Gender and the early cultivation of gourds in Eastern North America. American Antiquity 64(3): 417-429.
Fritz, G J 1995. New Dates and Data on Early Agriculture: The Legacy of Complex Hunter-Gatherers. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 82: 3-15.
Fritz, G J 1994. Precolumbian Cucurbita Argyrosperma ssp Argyrosperma (Cucurbitaceae) in the Eastern Woodlands of North America. Economic Botany 48(3): 280-292.
Fritz, G, 2000. Biodiversity and Native America: Levels of Native Biodiversity in Eastern North America p 223-247. University of Oklahoma Press, Oklahoma.
Fritz, G J, 2000. In Imperfect Balance: Landscape Transformations in the Precolumbian Americas p 225-249. Columbia University Press, New York.
Gadgil, M, F Berkes & C Folke 1993. Indigenous knowledge for biodiversity conservation. Ambio 22(2-3): 151-156.
Garro, L C 1986. Intracultural variation in folk medical knowledge: A comparison between curers and non-curers. American Anthropologist 88: 351-370.
Ghasi, S & G Onuaguluchi 1996. The pharmacological basis for the use of dried sheep placenta in traditional obstetric practice. Nigeria Journal of Ethnopharmacology 54: 27-36.
Gragson, T L & B G Blount 1999. Ethnoecology: Knowledge, Resources and Rights. University of Georgia Press, Athens, Georgia.
Guille-Escuret, G 1989. Les Societes et leurs natures. Armand Colin, Paris.
Hall, P & K S Bawa 1993. Methods to assess the impact of extraction of non-timber tropical forest products on plant populations. Economic Botany 47(3): 234-247.
Harlan, J R 1992. Crops and Man American Society of Agronomy, Madison.
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Harris, D & G Hillman, editors 1989. Foraging and Farming: the evolution of plant exploitation. Unwin Hyman, London and Boston.
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Harwood, R 1979. Small Farm Development - Understanding and Improving Farming systems in the Humid Tropics. West View Press, Boulder.
Hather, J G, editor 1994. Tropical Archaeobotany: Applications and New Developments. Routledge, New York.
Heinrich, M, H Rimpler & N A Barrera 1992. Indigenous phytotherapy of gastrointestinal disorders in a lowland Mixe community (Oaxaca, Mexico): ethnopharmacologic evaluation. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 36(1): 63-80.
Herrick, J 1995. Iroquois Medical Botany Syracuse University Press, Syracuse.
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Hillman, G C 1984. Interpretation of archaeological plant remains: The application of ethnographic models from Turkey Plants and Ancient Man: Studies in Palaeoethnobotany 1-41. AA Balkema, Rotterdam.
Hladik, C M, editors 1993. Tropical Forests, People and Food: Biocultural Interactions and Applications to Development. UNESCO, Paris.
Hunn, E S, J Selam & Family 1990. Nch i Wana "The Big River": Mid-Columbia Indians and Their Land. University of Washington Press, Seattle.
Hunn, E 1977. Tzeltal Folk Zoology Academic Press, New York.
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Hunn, E S 1998. The Value of Subsistence for the Future of the World Ethnoecology - Situated Knowledge/Located Lives 23-36 University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
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Johns, T 1990. With Bitter Herbs They Shall Eat It: Chemical Ecology and the Origins of Human Diet and Medicine University of Arizona Press, Tucson.
Johns, T, M Nagarajan, M L Parkipuny & PJ H Jones 2000. Maasai gummivory: implications for Paleolithic diets and contemporary health. Current Anthropology 41: 453-459.
Johns, T 1999. The Chemical Ecology of Human Ingestive Behaviors. Annual Review of Anthropology 28: 27-50.
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Johns, T, J O Kokwaro & E K Kimanani 1990. Herbal remedies of the Luo of Siaya District, Kenya: Establishing quantitative criteria for consensus. Economic Botany 44: 369-381.
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Luoga, E J, G C Kajembe, R E Malimbwi & A A Kisondela 2000. Socio-economic importance of mangrove resources to the coastal communities: A case study of Rufiji delta Tanzania. Journal of Forestry and Nature Conservation 73: 34-40.
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McClatchey, W, M Sirikolo, L Kalveke & C Pitanapi 2002. Ethnobotany of Canarium (Burseraceae) among the Babatana of Lauru (Choiseul), Solomon Islands Economic Botany, under review.
McClatchey, W, A Paul, T Flaster & V McClatchey 1999. An evaluation of educational trends in economic botany Ethnobotany Educational Publication Series 1: 1-21.
McClatchey, W 1996. The Ethnopharmacopoeia of Rotuma Journal of Ethnopharmacology 50: 147-156.
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Miller, JS, S-W Yang, B-N Zhou, J H Wisse, R Evans, H van der Werff & D G I Kingston 1998. Three new ellagic acid derivatives from the bark of Eschweilera coriacea from the Suriname rainforest. Journal of Natural Products 61: 901-906.
Miller, J S 1999. Bioprospecting: the role of botanical gardens in pharmaceutical development. Public Garden 14: 12-15.
Miller, J S, D G I Kingston, M Abdel-Kader, B-N Zhou, S-W Yang, J M Berger, H van der Werff, R Evans, R Mittermeier, L Famolare, R Nelson, M Guerin-McManus, S Malone, E Moniz, J H Wisse, D M Vyas & J J K Wright 1999. The Suriname International Cooperative Biodiversity Group Program: Lessons from the First Five Years Pharmaceutical Biology 37: 22-34.
Miller, J S & R E Gereau 2000. Therapeutic potential of plant derived compounds: realizing the potential Biologically Active Natural Products 25-37. CRC press.
Miller, J S, D G I Kingston, M Abdel-Kader, B N Zhou, S W Yang, J M Berger, H van der Werff, R Evans, R Mittermeier, S Malone, L Famolare, M Guerin-McManus & J H Wisse 2000. Biodiversity Conservation, Economic Development and Drug Discovery in Suriname Biologically Active Natural Products 39-59. CRC Press.
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